Project Moose
About the app
Hello, internet! I have something new to introduce! It is my new app, Project Moose. This app was recently developed and designed by my friend Ethan and I. Project Moose is an app designed for tourists visiting Canada. The app is designed for easy and offline usage, and it is filled with information about attractions. I think that this app will make a change on the view on how good attractions are found. The app has just recently launched into version 1.0 (on April 21, 2019) but it is still work in progress, as we still have to add more attractions through our database. It is currently available on Google Play, but we hope to bring it to the iOS App Store somewhere in the future!
This app has many features. First, the featured tab shows some popular attractions in all of Canada. All of the attractions are in a card format, and there is a handy carousel at the top. The second tab, which is an all attractions tab shows all the attractions we have added in provincial order. Each card is for an attraction, with a picture background and a name and a quick location. There is a “learn more” button, and it takes you to the attraction information page. There is a location, opening hours, and detailed information and details on the attraction. Overall, the app is very simple and easy to use.
This app was build for the easy use for everyone around the globe wanting to visit Canada. Not only can tourists or locals use it, but also people who just immigrated to Canada can use it too. New immigrants may find this app helpful as they can explore what fun attractions to go to.
How we made it
The Project Moose app was made by Ethan and I. Ethan, as a great designer, is focusing on the design section of this app. He made the icons, and some screens for the app. He is also working on future ideas of the app. On the other side of the app, I am working on the code, and the database.
This app is written on text-based Dart code, with a Flutter Software Development Kit (SDK). The Dart code is how we wrote our app, and the Flutter SDK is for the components of the app. Our app is also linked to a Cloud Firestore database from Google Cloud Platform. This allows us to update and add new attractions without having you updating the app!
Project Moose was started by me at around the end of February 2019, and we have progressed humongously. At first, we didn’t even have a working database link! Over the course of 2 months, our app has added new features, new attractions, and new designs. I hope that all of you readers now have a scope of our app!
Download the Project Moose app today!
Project Moose
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